Sales vs tradition marketing: who wins?
2 min read
While Marketing is seen as a luxury accessory or even a cosmetic artifice by some companies, some others consider the field as being “nice to have” rather than a “must have” and keep it in a remote department to work in silos.

Then starts a power game between the sales team and the marketing team, who both think they are the most important in the company. Too many times I’ve seen each other ignoring their colleagues’ work or even value. Even among those who understood the need for a proper marketing & sales interaction, some are still skeptical when it comes to the digital side of marketing and here again almost consider it as a “UFO” both misunderstood and underestimated.
Have you ever thought when was the last time digital marketing was used in your company, why and how it effectively enhanced sales ? Let us remind that our time is about sharing, co-developing, brainstorming with some external input. It’s about team working, enhancing cohesion, moving forward.

In AXYNEO, we are convinced this can only be done by smartly integrating Sales – Marketing and Digital Marketing actions within the global company’s strategy in a cooperative team spirit. Behind mere “specialists’ fields” are human beings whose talents can spread and leverage on each other's skills while communicating together.

So the real winner is cooperation.